Shenmue II (US) V0.991 (Sep 14, 2001 prototype): from its cancellation to its discovery
Contrary to popular belief, Shenmue 2 has not been canceled in the United States because of the Xbox version, Microsoft did not "buy" its exclusivity on American soil. Sega of America had simply felt that it was too late to take him out on this territory.
Lucky for us, Sega Europe took the risk of releasing it. We were on the verge of suffering the same fate as the Americans. Without this SOE decision, Shenmue 2 would have remained confined to Japan and would never have been able to have a variation on Classic Xbox.
Microsoft was actually interested in the game because the localization work was already done and therefore there was only one port of the canceled US DC version to do!
Be careful, the sources differ on the subject.
My tribute to Shenmue on video (trailer)

The license, a question of revenge
Born from the prolific imagination of the very eminent Yu Suzuki , Shenmue has marked the spirits by its incredible beauty, its realism and its bewitching atmosphere. Shenmue is not an ordinary game but a real life experience in its own right. One can only applaud such a technical and artistic achievement, a monument of the Dreamcast, a major title in the history of video games.
It was in 1994 that Yu Suzuki and his team decided to design an RPG in the world of Virtua Fighter , Sega's flagship fighting game. The hero was to be called Akira , and the game, then baptized Virtua Fighter RPG , was planned on Saturn .
In 1998, the project finally got the word out again. We learn that it is no longer an RPG Virtua Fighter and that it took the name of " Project Berkley ". A few months after this meager information, Sega announces that it was only a code name and that the project is large. Baptized Shenmue , it is now scheduled for the Dreamcast .
The game is based on the FREE system for Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment, "hobby for fully reactive eyes". The player will be able to watch everything, see everything and practically do everything. It incorporated a QTE system, the Quick Time Event, of manipulations which are displayed on the screen and which must be carried out as quickly as possible. Mini-games will be present such as Space Harrier or Hang On , which will be possible to test in an arcade for a handful of yen. The Magic Weather (management by algorithms of the flow of time, weather and seasons) will generate the weather forecast at random. The development team relied on real weather data to simulate it. the climate of Yokusaka , where the adventure began in 1986.
In the early 2000s, the Shenmue franchise was the most expensive in the gaming industry. Astronomical figures then reported a budget of $ 50 million. Unheard of for the time. As Frédérick Raynal ( Agartha's dad) told me, they nicknamed it " Shame Mue " internally, because of its indecent development cost. He will be dethroned 10 years later by a certain ... Grand Theft Auto 4 .

Asset Shenmue 2 early alpha

Asset Shenmue 2 early alpha

Asset Shenmue 2 early alpha

Live the life of Ryo Hazuki and stop playing Shenmue!

Shenmue is much more than a game. It is a step in the history of video games, which has succeeded in making its players dream by offering them a whole new experience. To understand the interest of such a title, it is good to go back to the genesis of the making of Shenmue .
Yu Suzuki had reached the limits of the Saturn (using the audio processor as an additional computer in addition). Sonic Fighter , Virtua Fighter 3 and Shenmue had to prove Sega's superiority over the competition (and this without the RAM expansion); these major titles - yet finished - will not be released on the soon to be defunct machine. Whatever: Virtua Fighter 3 and Shenmue will survive on Dreamcast .
Shenmue 2 had to really demonstrate the capabilities of the Dreamcast . This is why this sequel constantly offers larger environments and better controlled loadings, as well as an even richer gaming experience than the first. But what is often overlooked is that Shenmue 2 has above all made it possible to improve the Katana devs-kits, due to its programming accuracy, which has ultimately benefited from the titles of third-party developers.
Recent discovery of a Dreamcast limited AM2

Facing Shenmue 2 , when it was released, I remember a Metal Gear Solid 2 on Playstation 2 . Yu Suzuki's game did not have to be ashamed of the comparison. The Dreamcast, however already in peril, has never lost its luster. However, did the title exploit all the power of the Dreamcast? ? It's hard to answer knowing that neither the modem nor the advertised Zip drive has been used.
Let's focus on what made the difference for these Shenmue . Certainly Shenmue is beautiful - really beautiful - but it is not limited to that. It revolutionizes the gameplay with its " QTE ". Some would say that “ Dragon's Lair ” was a precursor - and rightly so - but we are far from the finesse used in Shenmue , which is still a benchmark today. I dare not speak of the open world, grandiose, which will impose a new vision of the game, despite here again pioneering projects like " Black Ice the White Noise " by Atari on Jaguar CD , which has remained in the Alpha version. Here too, the richness of the two titles is not comparable. It will be necessary to wait for GTA 3 to find this freedom in a very different register.
And precisely, it is the register of Shenmue that makes the difference ... This title is a cinematographic work, succeeding in the synthesis between precomputed renderings and real-time 3D, between adventure game, RPG, FMV and fighting game for the gameplay, all in an open world with unprecedented game possibilities: eating, sleeping, collecting, betting, feeding a cat, playing in an arcade machine. And this world is full of memorable NPCs, each with their own unique lives. For the first time, the player was immersed in a universe that seemed parallel to ours.
Yet it will disappoint and still has many detractors today. Far from excessive action, Shenmue is a romantic series (moralizing which seeks to take the player in a perspective of emancipation through the adventure of a personified hero). We are therefore far from a game of consumption. The slow pace, the repetitiveness is only a translation of the stages of life through failures and learning, to achieve its own fulfillment. In this, Shenmue is indeed a cinematographic work inspired by Japanese cinema (for its slow pace) and Asian culture in its contemplation and its vision of the long term (yet very present in the West also for those who love history).
If all the AAA games are technically and visually inspired by Shenmue , the title of Sega is still this opposite in its educational approach where the player is not a brain time available but simply a person in search of his own success through fiction.
The story of Shenmue 2:
We had left Ryo Hazuki when he had just left Yokosuka in Japan and was embarking for China , still in search of his father's assassin, the dreaded Lan-Di .

Ryo arrives in Hong Kong , the spirit full of vengeance, with a few dollars and the famous mirror of the Phoenix in pocket. His path will be strewn with pitfalls, obstacles and battles. He will meet some characters who will later become his friends and will lend him a hand. Among them Ren , the leader of a gang of thugs (the Heavens ), who will be above all a formidable adversary. Let us also present the superb Xui Ying Hong , master of Kung-Fu, whose beauty is matched only by strength. And finally, let's celebrate the return of the mysterious Shenhua Rei , who appeared in the introduction to Shenmue and in Ryo's dreams. This young girl whose fate seems directly linked to that of our hero is a character of the utmost importance. It will finally be possible to meet her and learn - a little - more about her.

The scenario will take you through China and appreciate magnificent scenery thanks to a sumptuous graphic realization. You will have the opportunity to admire different districts of Hong Kong , sometimes gloomy, infamous, others more touristy, high-tech or popular. Next is Kowlon , a much more traditional city where street fights are an attraction like any other. Also in Kowlon , you will experience one of the most intense moments of the game with the endless rise floor by floor of an abandoned tower serving as a hideout for the worst kind of mafia. Fight and stress galore!

The adventure will end far from the cities, in Guilin and its splendid green settings, in the company of the nonetheless magnificent Shenhua Rei ... You will learn a lot about the history of the characters in this episode, especially about the reasons obscures that prompted Lan-Di to assassinate Iwao Hazuki , Ryo's father, or the power of the mysterious mirrors of the Phoenix and the Dragon, which are at the heart of all these events.
Ryo will gradually acquire wisdom and strength in contact with different masters, all in a very traditional Zen atmosphere. The philosophy of martial arts is also omnipresent.
The story summary was taken from the Gamekult article
First analysis:
By performing a content analysis of the prototype, the build was created on September 21, 2001 at 11:29:25. Based on the last modification of the files with the GD-ROM Explorer tool, the date is September 14, 2001 at 11:08:44. This American version of Shenmue 2 would be between the Japanese release of the title, September 6, 2001, and the European release of November 23, 2001.
This prototype has two Debug Menus. If at first glance, these seem basic, we realize that they allow a lot of things in the game. It is however complicated to understand them, to use them.
Video Debugs Menus
The prototype has no label, we could confuse it with a blank GD-R, there will be no photo of it.
We will note that Shenmue 2 Us creates US save files compatible only with this version.
The translation from Japanese to English is not finished: lines of dialogue are still in the language of the land of the rising sun.
The words used to select the action to be taken (choice) are approximate as for the arm wrestling with "DO - DO" and the gatchas below in photos.
The font used for the notebook was used only for the American localization.
Most of the data present is almost identical to the retail versions of the game, there are a few textures that look different etc, but this is certainly due to the transition from DC to the Xbox.
Gatcha (choice problem)

Unfinished translation

Shahua as in Japanese

The Debug Menu 2
To open this hidden menu, it must start a new game or load the current game. By plugging a controller into port D of the console, pressing START on controller 4, various options will appear. It will then be possible to navigate in this debug menu with this controller. The triggers will allow you to change the main option, the other buttons to activate, to modify certain values. It can also be activated during the Shenhua presentation scene.
[TIME]: increases / decreases the time by one or two minutes. The scrolling of time and hours can be stopped.

[SAVE]: allows you to save at any time.
[STEP]: the progression of the story of Shenmue 2 (detailed explanation below).
[FLAG]: activate or deactivate internal flags, mainly for things related to history, etc. (detailed explanations below)
[MONEY]: increases / decreases the money Ryo has. The limit is set at 999,999 HK dollars.
[SYSTEM METRICS]: watch various useful information for developers.
STEP option:
This option corresponds to Ryo's progress in Shenmue 2 . It can be increased up to 300.0000. Each important and obligatory scene for the advancement of the story of the game has a code corresponding to a number of STEP. If the STEP number does not correspond to anything, it will be reset to 0 the next time the game is loaded, by changing the zone for example. By choosing the correct STEP number in the place and in the zone provided for this purpose, the scene will be triggered.
With this tool, Ren and Shenhua appear as NPC. Ren appears around 37.0000, he will follow Ryo , which corresponds to the rise of the 17 floors of the building on disk 3. He will disappear around 48.0000. Shenhua will appear around 70.0000. The poor thing, she's bugged!
For Joy , I did not find the precise combination for her to accompany Iwao Hazuki's son stake.
It would be possible to list all the STEP of the 4 GD-ROMs. The work would be long and tedious. I invite you to send me privately a screenshot of the scene with its corresponding number and its explanation to locate it in order to update this section. I will give you some examples of STEP with the equivalent in game:

Warning ! FLAGs can falsify STEP numbers. If you are going for a real game, avoid using them.
Disc 1:

The STEP number for the start of the adventure in Hong Kong is 0.0000. By using it, it will be possible to travel the whole city without interruption with scenes. Be careful, by choosing numbers provided for disc 2 for scenes taking place in this GD-ROM, the game crashes with loading errors and may at times lead the player to a blue background. For example, try to go in front of the entrance to Beverly Hill, make the guard appear by increasing the values of the STEP, he should appear between 10.1400 and 12.1400, then talk to him. Similar crashes occur in the Blue Sky building with the dart player offering him a game (he appears between 9.0000 and 12.0000) and in Mao Temple while seeking to go to the Lishao Tao scenes on disc 2.
STEP 1.0000: The descent of the boat.
STEP 2.0000: Wong steals Ryo's bag
STEP 3.0100: Joy on a motorbike asking Ryo if he has a room to sleep at night.
STEP 4.0300: Room 205, Yan Tin apartment
STEP 5.0400: Search for Master Tao by bribing an NPC by giving him 100 HK dollars (room 205).
STEP 5.0400: First visit to the Man Mao temple.
STEP 6.0000: Entrance to the Man Mao temple.
STEP 6.0200: First visit to the Guang Martial Arts School.
STEP 6.0300: The barber, asking him for the name of another martial art master, the number changes to 6.0400.
STEP 6.0800: After the Bloom tailor.
STEP 6.0900: After talking with the woman at the Yan Tin apartment.
STEP 6.1000: Man Mao Temple, cleaning the temple.
It is possible to finish disc 1 in 5 minutes. Once the scenes have been viewed, they cannot be triggered again.

Disc 2:

The STEP of this GD-Rom are very poorly documented. I haven't played it completely. I count on you to update this part.
The STEP number at the end of the first disc and the start of the second is 7.0000.
I'll admit that I found the end STEP number by luck. The goal was to go quickly to the last disc. You can finish this part of the adventure in 5 minutes.
STEP 10.0100: Joy on a motorbike joking with Ryo about the Grand Hotel.
STEP 11.8100: Entering Beverly Hill Wharf, Ryo wakes up in Wong's boat. He has to say goodbye to Hong Kong and go to Kowloon.
Disc 3:

The STEP number at the end of the second disc and the start of the third is 12.0000.
We can cheat and reach the passage of the climb of 17 floors quickly. Once you arrive in the basement of the Thousand White Building, you have crossed the door of the Yellow bulding, you will have to play the game normally, at least after the QTEs and the Free Battles of the guards on the first floors.
In the sewers, to open the door, you have to climb the STEP until you can open it, around 98.2300 approximately. We can go up to the 12th floor (QTE balances on a board) without being worried. From this floor, you will have to play Shenmue 2 normally.
STEP 34.0000: Ryo looks for places of Street Combats (deduction by asking passers-by).
STEP 35.0000: Ryo Hazuki inquires about the 3 warriors (deduction by asking passers-by).
STEP 35.3100: Small stage just in front of the entrance to the Thousand White Bulding presenting the building.
STEP 39.0000: Ren pushes Ryo with his foot then fights a guard (3rd floor Yellow Head Bldg.).
STEP 41.0000: 8th floor of the Yellow Head Building, Ren and Ryo must turn around and find another passage.
STEP 43.0000: QTY (balance) on the board.
STEP 45.0000: QTE (balance) on the board while being chased.
STEP 46.0000: After the QTE to escape the woman with the chainsaw.
STEP 48.0000: Ryo must find keys in a room before time runs out.
STEP 49.0000: Ryo exits the elevator and discovers the arena of Baihu.
STEP 51.0000: After fighting Dou Niu.

Disc 4:

The STEP number of the end of the third disc and the start of the fourth is 70.0000. By increasing the STEP when we are with Shenhua , we stop following her.
Unlike other GD-ROMS, Disk 4 cannot be explored freely. The zones are interspersed with scenes. Some locations are only intended for a cutscene and not to be played there. By increasing the STEP, we create a bug when the game should load a scene. It is impossible to cheat like other discs in order to finish the game faster.

FLAG option:
This option allows to turn on / off internal flags, mostly for story related stuff etc. There are 4096 different FLAGs. It is impossible, without having the original beta testers' documentation, to know if each number corresponds to something. Many FLAGs show the storyline in Ryo's notepad.
As for the STEP, I invite you to send me in private a screeshot of the FLAG with its corresponding number and its explanation in order to update this section. I'll give you some examples tested on disc 1:
FLAG 86: The "Phoenix Mirror" items, "Sword Handguard", "Chen Intro Letter", "Amulet" and "Letter to Father" disappear from inventory.
FLAG 123: Remove or replace Ryo's backpack.
FLAG 202: The first scene with the arm wrestling mini-game begins. You have to be in Aberdeen.
FLAG 351: The second scene with the arm wrestling mini-game begins. You have to be in Aberdeen.
FLAG 362: The scene with the right hand-over sign mini-game starts. You have to be at Green Market Qr.
FLAG 378: Training against the wise old man in the park (Free Battle). You have to be at South Quarmain Qr.
FLAG 405: The third scene with the arm wrestling mini-game begins. You have to be in Aberdeen.
FLAG 445: The first scene with the crate work mini-game starts. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 446: The second scene with the crate work mini-game starts. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 540: Appearance of Ryo in No.10 Warhouse. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 542: Appearance of Ryo in No.9 Warhouse. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 551: Remove or replace Ryo's backpack. It wears it differently from FLAG 123.
FLAG 966: Open Ryo's notebook.
FLAG 1003: Spawn Ren Wuying (doesn't always work).
FLAG 1005: Spawn Joy (does not always work).
FLAG 1012: The watch disappears.
FLAG 1016: There are no more X and Y buttons. Notepad and inventory are no longer associated with these buttons.
FLAG 1021: The watch disappears, the time indication during charging times will no longer be present.
FLAG 1178: Lucky Hit Job. You have to be on Queen Street.
FLAG 1179: Lucky Hit Job. You have to be at Green Market Qr.
FLAG 1445: The third scene with the crate work mini-game starts. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 1446: The fourth scene with the cash work mini-game starts. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 1684: Lucky Hit Job. You have to be at Fortune's Pier.
FLAG 2040: Purchase decoration. You have to be in Aberdeen.
FLAGs 1560 to 1580. By selecting these 20 FLAGs, the NPCs from the zones are removed. The effect is activated at the next loading. I don't know how to remove the effect.
FLAG 1021

FLAG 1012

FLAG 1016

The Debug Menu 1
The trick to opening debug menu 1 at the title screen was not found. In order to access it, the ISO has been hacked. Shenmue 2 will launch out automatically with. You will have to reboot the game each time to return to this mysterious menu.
When arriving at the title screen, the player will have several choices, CONTINUE, SCENE, AREA and ENTRY. With the triggers, we can scroll through several windows, STAFF ROLL, OUTRUN, HARRIER, HANGON and AFTER BURNER
CONTINUE: By having a VMU / VMS connected, the game will be able to resume normally at the desired save (directional cross).
SCENE: To select either disc 1, 2, 3 or 4 (directional cross).
AREA: The scenes are coded, by choosing the specific code (directional cross) then by pressing START, the game will start on the one desired.
ENTRY: This is Ryo Hazuki's spawn point in the chosen AERA (directional pad).
STAFF ROLL: The credits of Shenmue 2.
OUTRUN etc: From these windows, arcade games can be played directly. Some only work on the DEmul emulator.
Important: The codes for each scene can be found in the extraction of the discs with the GD-ROM Explorer program for example. AREAs are originally recorded in the debug. By pressing A, they increase. Pressing B, they decrease. The Y and X buttons have the same function except that the codes do not appear in the data extracted from GD-ROMs. By validating them, the game crashes. They must have been used in other earlier builds of Shenmue 2 .

The choice of scenes and zones:
It is possible to modify the AREA variables of Debug Menu 1. You must enter the codes below to start a scene or to be teleported to the location of our choice. Ideally, the ENTRY should remain as it will appear when you start the disc. We can also adjust values for this option, Ryo will appear elsewhere in the selected area. The ENTRY corresponds to the drop point of the hero of Shenmue . Once the code has been selected, all you have to do is press START on controller 1 to start the game.

Shenmue 2 Map0 on video (AREA MAP0)
Disc 1:
0001 = Scene before the title screen of Shenmue 2 with the Phoenix mirror
0004 = Opening scene of the game, with the boat (arrival in Hong Kong)
0017 = Scene of Joy bringing Ryo to work on a motorcycle
0549 = Scene of the bad ending (Game Over)
1000 = motion viewer, the map does not work (see photo)
AK00 = Fortune's Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AK09 = Luck Hit Job at Fortune's Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKA3 = No. 8 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKS0 = Fortune's Pier Eatery (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKS1 = Blue Sky (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
AKT0 = No. 6 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKT1 = No10 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKT2 = No.12 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKT3 = No. 9 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKY0 = F Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
AR01 = Descent of the boat, continuation of scene 0004
AR02 = Worker's Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AR03 = Queen's St. (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AR09 = Lucky Hit Job at Queen's St. (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARA0 = Swing IG (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
ARBT = Scene before starting work carrying the crates (QTE)
ARC0 = Pigeon Cafe IG (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARM0 = Hong Kong Souvenirs (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARSF = Rooftop Fight (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
ARZ0 = General Store (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
CW O N = Wong scene on a wall near the Worker's Pier fountain followed by a QTE
MAP0 = Map beta, this map is a very rough representation from Aberdeen (see video)
O P02 = Scene of Shenhua and the eagle (by not pressing START at the title screen)
R O 10 = crash
VIEW = same field as Motion Viewer with Ryo who can move there (see photo)
WB00 = Scarlet Hill's (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
WB01 = Man Mo Temple (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place) attention there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
WBK1 = Special map, a wasteland with some NPCs (see photo)
WE00 = Golden Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WECF = Moon Cafe (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WEG0 = Pine Game Arcade (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WEM1 = SIC Pool Hall (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WES1 = Slot House W (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
WESM = Golden Shopping Mall (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WET0 = Tomato Convenience Shop (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WK00 = South Carmain Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WK09 = Lucky Hit Job South Carmain Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WKA0 = Yan Tin Appartments (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WN00 = Lucky Charm Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WR00 = White Dynasty Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WS00 = Green Market Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WS09 = Lucky Hit Job Green Market Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WSG1 = A Vacant Lot (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WSY0 = Come Over Guest House (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WT00 = Wise Men's Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WTA0 = Da Yuan Appartments (in-game, Ryo spawns there)

Motion Viewer (AREA 1000)



Work of Ryo (AREA 0017)


Disc 2:
Bad End (AREA 0549)

Beverly Hills Wharf (AREA ABLB)

Lishao Tao (AREA SYW0)

Lucky Plaza QTE (AREA CB00)

(AREA 0048 + YTQB)

Ren's Warehouse (AREA ARKQ)

0034 = Scene of Ryo arriving at Mao Temple, Fangmei Xun (Lishao Tao's assistant) is sweeping
0039 = Scene of the phone ringing for Ryo at the Come Over Ghest House
0048 = Scene where 2 men have a prisoner (the one kidnapped in the restaurant), Ryo comes running to save him. There is no QTE
0055 = Scene of Ryo getting ready to sleep in Wong's boat
0059 = Scene of Ryo and Wong lying on the roof of the boat at Bervely Hills Wharf
0142 = Scene of Ryo leaving Mao Temple, Fangmei catches up to him to offer him a photo
0549 = Scene of the bad ending (Game Over)
AB00 = Beverly Hill Wharf (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
ABLB = Scene of the entrance to Beverly Hills with guards. A showdown with radio punk will ensue (Free Battle)
AK00 = Fortune's Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AK09 = Lucky Hit Job at Fortune'Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKA3 = No. 8 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKS0 = No.6 Warehous (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
AKT1 = No.10 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
AKT2 = No.12 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKT3 = No. 9 Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AKY0 = F Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
AR02 = Worker's Pier (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
AR03 = Queen's St. (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARA0 = Swing (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
ARBT = Scene before starting work carrying the crates (QTE)
ARC0 = Pigeon Cafe (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARKQ = Scene from the first meeting with Ren in Ren's Warehouse
ARM0 = Hong Kong Souvenirs (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
ARSF = Rooftop Fight (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
ARZ0 = General Store (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
BKW0 = Scene in front of the martial art school
CB00 = Scene from Ren's Pursuit in Lucky Plaza (QTE)
MAP0 = Map beta, this map is a very rough representation from Aberdeen (see video part disc 1)
SYW0 = Scene towards the flowering tree of Mao Temple, Lishao explains her childhood memories to Ryo
T O FB = Scene of Ryo at the table at Don Jiang Diner, a man comes in. A Free Battle will follow
WB00 = Scarlet Hills (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
WB01 = Man Mao Temple (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
WBBK = Scene from the start of disc 2, the one before starting to put the books in Yard
WBK1 = Special map, a wasteland with some NPCs (see photo part disc 1)
WE00 = Golden Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WECF = Moon Cafe (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WEG0 = Pine Game Arcade (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WEM1 = SIC Pool Hall (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WES1 = Slot House W (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
WESM = Golden Shopping Mall (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WET0 = Tomato Convenience Store (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WK00 = South Carmain Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WK09 = Lucky Hit Job at South Carmain Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WKA0 = Yan Tin Appartments (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WN00 = Lucky Charm Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WR00 = White Dinasty Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WRS2 = Liverpool (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location)
WS00 = Green Market Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WS09 = Lucky Hit Job at Green Market Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WSG1 = A Vacant Lot (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WSY0 = Come Over Guest House (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
WT00 = Wise Men's Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
WTA0 = Da Yan Appartments (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
YMQB = Scene in a park near a tree, enemies are coming. There will be a Free Battle. This is the sequence after that of the telephone to the Guest House.
YTQB = The same scene as 0048, this time there is the QTE
Disc 3:
0200 = Scene of Ryo's departure from Hong Kong to go to Kowloon, the bus arrives at its destination
0221 = Scene in Ren's house (Ren's Hideout), Ryo is handcuffed to Ren
0240 = Scene in Ren's house (Ren's Hideout), Joy heals a man along with Ryo and Ren. The survivor will give a key in the shape of a turtle to Ryo
0250 = Scene of Ryo waking up in a church after three days in a coma (Three Days Later). He sees Xiuying Hong
0252 = Scene of Joy arriving at Ren's Hideout while the man in scene 0240 is talking while sitting at the round table. Ren's and Wong are present
0276 = Scene of Yuanda Zhu sitting at the table in Ren's Hideout. Everybody is here. There is a flashback from Lan Di
0278 = Nightfall scene on the Mao Temple. Ryo goes to say goodbye to Lishao before leaving for Guilin. She is training with grace (end of GD-ROM 3)
0308 = Scene in Ren's Hideout with Wong, Ryo, Joy and Ren looking at a plan to break into the Yellow Head Bldg.
0337 = The console reboot
0362 = Scene of Ryo knocking on the door of Xiuying Rooms. No one answers, he walks into the room. She is not there.
0549 = Scene on a black screen, you can hear various speakers discussing. It repeats in a loop
GABT = Scene of Ryo banging in Room 503 of the Moon Chil Bldg. A wise old man opens. A free battle will take place in the dark with a special test which consists of locating the opponent in the dark.
MAP O = Game crash
Q100 = Thousand White Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
Q109 = Lucky Hit Job at Thousand White Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
Q200 = Stand Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
Q300 = Dimsum Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QA00 = Three Birds Bldg. 2F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QA11 = Three Birds Bldg. R (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QA22 = Slote House K. (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a blue background
QABT = Scene before starting work carrying the crates (QTE)
QAE1 = Three Birds Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QAE6 = Three Birds Bldg. 6F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QAW1 = Dimsun Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QAW6 = Dimsun Bldg. 6F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QAXX = Under Kowloon ??? (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
QB00 = Great View Bldg. 1 F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QBAA = Scene of Ryo and Ren walking into the herb shop, Great View Herbs
QC00 = Thousand White Bldg. 2F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QC01 = Thousand White Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QC06 = Thousand White Bldg. 6F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QCAE = Thousand White Warehouse (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 5, otherwise there will be a bug
QD00 = Ghost Hall Bldg. 2F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QD01 = Ghost Hall Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QDKJ = Five Stars Corp. (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a blue background bug
QDTB = Scene of Ryo falling from the building, pushed by Dou Niu. A Free Battle will begin
QDTG = Scene during the ascent of the 17 floors of Yellow Head Bldg. when Dou Niu chases Ren and Ryo. There will be a QTE
QE00 = Moon Child Bldg. 2F (in-game, Ryo appears there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QE01 = Moon Child Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there).
QE06 = Moon Child Bldg. 6F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QE09 = Lucky Hit Job at Moon Child Bldg. (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QEDJ = Yuan's Room (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a black background
QEHI = Moon Child Orphanage (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a blue background
QEEC = Kai's Room (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a blue background
QF00 = Yellow Head Bldg. 5F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QF01 = Yellow Head Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QF02 = Yellow Head Bldg. 2F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QF06 = Yellow Head Bldg. 6F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QF39 = Big Ox Bldg. 40 F (in game, appearance of Ryo there)
QF40 = Big Ox Bldg. in the office (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QFHG = Yellow Head Bldg. 2F, the room with the Hang On arcade machine (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QFRR = Scene of confrontation of men on the stairs before arriving at the final fight against Dou Niu on the roof
QGBT = Ryo arrives in a reduced space, wanting to change zones from the front or the rear, he will arrive at Stand Qr. A guard will no longer let him retrace his steps (in game, Ryo appears there)
QJBT = Phoenix Bldg. 1F (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QKBT = Scene of Ryo exiting the elevator and arriving at Big Ox Bldg. 3F. He discovers the battle arena of Master Baihu
QLBT = Black Heaver Bldg. 12 F, Chunyan Arena (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
QR00 = Dragon St. (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the Entry to 1 otherwise there will be a bug
QR09 = Lucky Hit Job at Dragon Qr. (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a blue background
QRC0 = Huang's Room (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug on a blue background
QRR0 = Scene of Ryo, at the start of Disc 3, discovering Ren's lair, Ren's Hideout
QSFA = Former Barracks (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
QSFB = Small Dragon Garden (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
QSFC = Star Gazing Point (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
QSFD = Construction Base (in-game, Ryo spawns here). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QT09 = Luck Hit Job in Thunder House (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QTB1 = Former Factory Site (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QTB2 = Old Government Office Site (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QTB3 = Thunder House (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QTB4 = Fighting Place (in-game, Ryo spawns there). You must change the ENTRY to 1, otherwise there will be a bug
QUG0 = Underground B2 (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
STEP = Scene during the ascent of the 17 floors of Yellow Head Bldg. when Dou Niu chases Ren and Ryo. There will be a QTE. Unlike the AREA QFRR, there will be no decor, only a black background
Ren's Hideout (AREA 0221)

Goodbye to Lishao Tao (AREA 0278)

Master Baihu (AREA QKBT)

Ryo falls (AREA QDTB)


Joy (AREA 0252)

Hangon (AREA QFHG)

Xiuying Hong (AREA 0250)



QTE Stone Bridge (AREA KRK6)

QTE river crossing (AREA KRK2)

Stone Pit (AREA KES1)

(AREA 505)


Disc 4:
0504 = Scene of the drowning goat, first time Ryo sees Shenhua
0505 = Scene following that of the goat
0523 = Scene of the weather becoming stormy, before the goat scene
552E = Scene of a falling tree
AB00 = Beverly Hills (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), you must change the ENTRY to 1 otherwise there is a bug
AKS0 = Fortune's Eatery (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
AKS1 = Blue Sky (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
ARA0 = Swing (in-game appearance of Ryo at this place) , beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
KES1 = Stone Pit, Ryo and Shenhua with the torch (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
KMZ1 = Forest (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
KMZ2 = Forest (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location) + panel scene and direction to choose
KMZ3 = Forest (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
KMZ4 = Forest (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place) + panel scene and path to choose, we arrive on a stone path
KRC1 = Crag (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
KRF1 = Arrival scene in Guilin by boat, start of disc 4
KRH1 = Arrival scene in Langhuisha, following boat scene
KRK2 = Scene of the river to cross followed by a QTE
KRK4 = Scene of the river to cross followed by a QTE, second time
KRK6 = Rocky Area (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), crossing stone bridges with QTE, there is no scene at the start unless you fall.
KRM3 = Yingshuine (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), path with Shenhua
KSH1 = Shenhua's House, path just before arriving at the teenage girl's house scene + in play
KWM1 = Green Field (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
KWQA = Deep Green Way, scene of the coming night followed by a QTE
KWW1 = Dath Though a Wood (in-game, Ryo appears there) + stage
KWW4 = Cloud Bird Trail, Shenhua scene with the basket she wants to bring to her father
MAZE = Crash
O MAK = Shenmue collection (opening of disc menu 4)
Q100 = Thousand White Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
Q300 = Dimsum Qr. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QGBT = Front Stand Qr. (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware of the game crash
QJBT = Phoenix Bldg. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QKBT = Big Ox Bldg. scene of Ryo getting out of the elevator, meeting with Baihu
QLBT = Black Heaven Bldg. (in-game, Ryo appears there)
QSFA = Former Barracks (in-game, Ryo spawns here)
QSFB = Small Dragon Garden (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
QSFC = Star Gazing Point (in-game, Ryo spawns there)
QSFD = Construction Base (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
QTB1 = Former Factory Site (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
WEG0 = Pine Game Arcade (in game, appearance of Ryo at this place), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
WEM1 = SIC Pool Hall (in game, appearance of Ryo at this location), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
WRS2 = Liverpool (in games, appearance of Ryo at this location), beware there is a bug with a blue background, to modify perhaps the ENTRY
STEP mixed with AREA's choice allow you to have access to all the scenes of Shenmue 2. It will be necessary to juggle the codes of these 2 options of the debug menu.
Some environments can be fully explored like for example Crag (the cave and the surroundings where Ryo and Shenhua sleep the first evening during their walk to go to Bailu village). By spawning Ryo in Kai's Room, the player will be able to visit this area; it was only available in Free Battle.
Important! Read before playing:
The download pack includes, to read the " README ":
Shenmue II (US) (v0.991) (Disc 1/2/3/4) : Original GD-R dump in Raw format (BBA method).
Hack Shenmue 2 Us : To play with debug menu 1 on the title screen, you will need to replace the original dump track with the corresponding modified track. Each disc has its own hacked track.
Shenmue 2 US save DEmul : Here you will find my saves of this US version of Shenmue 2 Dreamcast. The game has been finished on DEmul.
Be careful, do not permanently delete the original track. If you want to play Shenmue 2 normally, the original dump is better.
You can download Shenmue II (US) V0.991 (Sep 14, 2001 prototype) in GDI below:
Original dump in Raw format (BBA method)
Shenmue II (US) (v0.991) (Disc 1)
Shenmue II (US) (v0. 991 ) (Disc 2)
Shenmue 2 hack for debug menu 1
Shenmue II (US) (v0.991) (Disc 1) Hack track06
Shenmue II (US) (v0.991) (Disc 2) Hack track03
My backups for the DEmul emulator
It would be complicated to offer you the game in CDI format. It would be necessary to "downslamp" and create a CDI for each normal and modified disc. The archive would be large to download, the gaming experience with a burned disc would not be optimal. A friend took the opportunity to create a cover for this US version Shenmue 2.

Cover Homemade from Shenmue 2 Us to download:
Download the archive containing the homemade cover of Shenmue 2 Us.
Open the desired image (in PNJ) and print there, it is in the correct format.
If you have a double box, choose the PDF and then print it (with inlay for folding).
We want Shenmue 4 and forgive Lan Dy for the death of Ryo's father!
Thanks :
in the pen of a friend wishing to remain anonymous for the correction of the article
to yaz0r for the game hack and search on it
To LemonHaze from the " Shenmue: Dragon & Phoenix Collection " project for the careful search of this build
to Romain Villez for the text of the part " Live the life of Ryo Hazuki and no longer play Shenmue!"
to Dreamcast Me That for the creation of the cover
Feel free to look at " other canceled games " that I found. For the most curious of you, I have created a " list of all unreleased from theDdreamcast ".
Similar prototypes (Unreleased) : Agartha (DC) - Emulateur officiel Megadrive (DC) - Castlevania Resurrection (DC) - Half Life (DC) - Dalforce XOP (DC) - Flinstone (DC) - 4 x 4 Evolution PAL (DC) - Ring : L'Anneau des Nibelungen (DC) - Ecco 2 (DC) - Kyskrew (DC) - Propeller Arena (DC) - Geist Force (DC) - Scud Race Tech Demo Dreamcast - Shenmue 2 US (DC) - The Red Star (XBOX) - Heaven's Drive ( version japonaise de Burnout 1) pour PS2 - Jekyll and Hyde (DC) - The Grinch Jap (DC) - Worms Pinball (DC) - Quake 3 Arena version japonaise (DC) - Vectorman PS2
Prototype related to Shenmue: Unreleased US version de Shenmue 2 (Sep 14, 2001 prototype) - Shenmue Face Demo (Jul 19, 1999 Dreamcast prototype) - Shenmue II Game Jam ((Apr 11,2001 Dreamcast prototype) - Shenmue 2 JP (June 07, 2001 Dreamcast prototype) - Shenmue 2 PAL (Oct 03, 2001 Dreamcast prototype