The 4 d'Or, a forgotten ceremony? In the United States the Interactive Achievement Awards !!!
Before starting, I would like to thank Stéphane Lavoisard, the organizer of the ceremony, for the magazine scans and the information he shared with me.
Search your old recorded VHS, maybe you have the broadcast of the 4 d'Or ceremony by 13th street dating from March 22, 2000 !!!
Scan of articles on the 4 d'Or by Gen 4 (4 editions)
We often forget that journalists - to whom we owe so much - played an important role in our common passion.
They transmitted their emotions to us, their feelings about the games tested.
By their articles, they made us dream. They made us want, or not, to try us out for such and such a title.
We waited each month for the new issue of our favorite magazines to keep us informed of the latest news. At that time, it was the only way to follow the news of video games, a bygone era: the golden age of video games.
With the democratization of the Internet in the 2000s, the charm of the written press is lost.
Certain events organized by magazines, like the 4 d'Or of Gen 4, rewarded by category the best games of the year. The gratin of the industry (2000 guests) was present. The 4 d'Or took over from the Tilt d'Or.
"The 4 d'Or were born in 1990 from the desire to make an annual awards ceremony for the best video games. Tilt at the time was doing the Tilt d'Or, parodying the 7 d'Or of Tele 7 Jours, we therefore launched the 4 d'Or.
After a first award ceremony in 1990 at the Locomotive, Fnac joined us as a sponsor in the following years, with parties at the Grand Rex in 1991, at the Théâtre de l'Empire in 1992 and then at Disneyland Paris in 1993. The evening becomes a reference in the field, the English and American stars making the trip systematically.
After the withdrawal of Fnac in 1994, the prizes were awarded in the magazine without giving rise to an evening. In 1999, the evenings mark their return with an award ceremony at the Institut du Monde Arabe, then in 2000 with 13e Rue as sponsor (which also broadcasts the evening) in the studios of Plaine St-Denis. Each time, the trophies were designed by a different artist.
The Japanese did not travel, the prices were given to the manufacturer. "
Other magazines like Joypad and Joystick handed out trophies without holding ceremonies.
Joypad rewarded publishers with a unique setting when the game had a good rating + selection.

4 d'Or Soulcalibur

4 d'Or Soulcalibur

Joypad frame Samba De Amigo Dreamcast

Joypad frame Phantasy Star Online Dreamcast

Joypad frame Jet Set Radio Dreamcast

HeadHunter Dreamcast frame joypad

Joypad back of a frame

The United States has, since 1998, an organization (Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences), which awards prizes to video games through the Interactive Achievement Awards ceremony.
On May 11, 2000, the third edition took place in Los Angeles at the "Regal Biltmore" hotel, the first night of E3.
Each year, it awards a prize to the developer who has revolutionized the industry. Yu Suzuki, for example, entered their Hall of Fame in 2003.
Two dreamcast games received an award during the 2000 edition. Looking back, 20 years later, it's clearly deserved.
You can download a document below:
2000 Interactive Achievement Awards document
Scan of the "2000 Interactive Achievement Awards" document

photos of the prices that had been sent to me by email