From understanding to interpretation of Agartha Dreamcast.
I discovered quite a few unreleased from the Dreamcast. Each game canceled has its history, each title has its untapped potential.
Agartha is arguably the most fun and exciting Unreleased to analyze. The video, the playable parts of the title show nothing but at the same time reveal a lot. Its gameplay, its game mechanics, its graphics, its scenario and its agonizing atmosphere allow an unprecedented approach totally different from other canceled games. It is possible to imagine playing a finished game and yet this survival horror was far from being, we only have the contours of a future Hit in the form of a simple demo. Let's face it, apart from walking and browsing its inventory, the game of No Cliché does not allow more interaction. He It is necessary to go further in its understanding by interpreting what it could have become once the product is finalized.
By observing the different environments that the hero can explore, one can hypothesize for future puzzles to be solved. Winks are hidden in the sets or in the build files.
"We created while moving forward ... it was a rather special method ... nowadays, we tend to plan more things before going into production at the risk of wasting money on things that do not will not be in the final game. "
Some details about the construction of prototypes: Video builds contain several folders called _SEQ preceded by a number. Each SEQ, with its number, corresponds to a sequence of the video. Each sequence of the video ends with a loading screen before moving on to the next.
Animations, scripts, and models have fun temporary names.
“Sometimes personal delusions of the one who took care of making these assets. It feels good to have a good laugh to get rid of the stress of a production. "
The name of the animation is "MemeQuenouille", that of the model "MemeArno"

Agartha's video

The name of the script "Chasseurkisfaitbouffe"

Please note, what follows is only interpretation. Who knows if I'm right!
Possible puzzles?
We now know that Kirk had to venture into the depths of Transyslavania to solve the secrets of the Hollow Earth (from 10 minutes 25) . By viewing the video above ( from 11:51 ) , to access it, the player would have, in my opinion, to follow a path in an old ore mine (16_SQE), then navigate with a boat on an underground lake before arrive in the bowels of our planet (15_SQE). The entrance to the mine was in a mill (12_SQE). While being attentive to the video (from 8:11) , the camera shots linger on the machinery of the mill. The objective would have been to restore the mill to working order by having to recover a crank or a belt.
Mine + underground lake (playable part, CDI Agartha 16_SQE)

Village, telegraph (playable part, CDI Agartha 09_SQE)

Inn toilet (playable part, CDI Agartha 09_SQE)

Windmill (playable part, CDI Agartha 12_SQE)

Cave with lava (playable game, CDI Agartha 15_SQE)

In a room of one of the buildings in the 9_SQE playable game, there is an object resembling a telegraph. Headphones are even placed on the table. Referring to Agartha's screenplay, Kirk would unwittingly lure his Tibetan sister Julie or Julia (temporary name) to Romania. Perhaps he was going to contact him by sending him a telegram.
Also in the same SQE, close to where we start the game, is a hostel. Take advantage of admiring, at the entrance of the building, the attention to detail brought by the developers with the Amoiry of the Romanian royal family on the large barrel. The hostel has a free-fall restroom outside. Based on the video (from 2:11) , something terrible is happening in this scene. By choosing to play 5_SQE, the interior of the hostel will be accessible. A secret room is located near the cauldron. We discover a prisoner hanging with his feet from the ceiling. In my reasoning, the plummeting toilet was going to be a means of escape for the player, an escape from the sights of events going to happen there, perhaps in the form of a cutscene.
An earthquake would draw Kirk to Romania . He was probably going to be the trigger for the avalanche planned at the start of the game (see sketch and play the E3 demo, 3_SQE and 6_SQE). On the snowy roads of Dracula's country, a government convoy (minus the Romanian flags on the front of the vehicles) was going to be swept away by the avalanche (2_SQE). In the video (from 0:48) , a camera shot stops on a mysterious briefcase. I deduce that it could contain top secret, confidential documents related to the sect. The Romanian government probably knew what was happening.
Accident (playable part, CDI Agartha 02_SQE)

Armoiry of the royal family (playable part, CDI Agartha 09_SQE)

The interior of the hostel (playable part, CDI Agartha 05_SQE)


In the textures extracted from Agartha , one of them is called "11775_phillipeface.pvr" (Philippe Vachay?). An NPC using these textures is present in the video (from 15:00) . It must be a delirium between the members of No Cliché .
Above the classroom on playable map 9_SQE are 2 apartments. Posters stuck to the wall with the writing "Pan t is dead" decorate one of them. They must have a meaning that escapes me at the moment. Did the pupils of the school below learn French?
Pan is dead to you (playable part, CDI Agartha 09_SQE)
To learn more about Agartha Dreamcast and download the different prototypes: